
Showing posts from January, 2015

How to make your android battery last longer.

Do you want to make your battery last longer?Here is a solution.  Battery Doctor can help you to save power.                                            FEATURES :- Accurately estimates battery remaining time Task Killer that stops apps that drain power while not in use  Unique three-charge cycle that boosts battery life Widgets that improve battery performance Accelerates the speed of your device Indicates how much battery power will be extended if you shut down Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/etc Gives device software and hardware information Download :- Download it from playstore by clicking on the button below. Latest version :-  Resolved compatibility issues with Android 5.0 Lollipop Fixed known bugs Thank you for visiting our page. Keep visiting it for more interesting facts.

How to hide pics and videos on your smartphone professionally.

Gallery Vault can easily hide your pictures, videos and any other files that you do not want others to see. Now it fully supports SD card for all devices include Android 4.4(KitKat), Android 5.0(Lollipop). With a special innovative solution, Gallery Vault can hide its app icon and keep your privacy absolutely safe. It sets up a security space on your phone where you can import your private images and videos. It runs in a stealth mode and the app icon will be hidden so that nobody knows the existence of Gallery Vault. Download :- Download  it from Playstore by clicking on the button below : Features :-  Support moving your encrypted files to SD card to save your device storage for All devices, include Android 4.4(KitKat), Android 5.0(Lollipop).  Be INVISIBLE except for you  Import your private PICTURES and VIDEOS from the phone gallery by Sharing in batches  Directly take and hide photos and videos in Gallery Vault  The hidd...

NFS rivals

NFS rivals  is an exciting racing video game by EA sports. You have different game modes in which you can play NFS rivals.  Play as a lone-wolf racer or a team-based cop as you play NFS rivals , collecting up speed points and using to earn even greater rewards. You can switch from cop to racer at any time to succeed in every race and every challenge. Winning races means customising your car with the latest upgrades, and personalising it with snazzy paintjobs, rims and more - and you can even save multiple vehicles suited for every situation. You can also connect with your friends and play with them in this game. Features :- 1. Pursuit and Evasion Tech to arm yourself against your opponents. 2. New all dive system is also provided in the game. 3. Featuring two careers as cop and as racer. 4. Excellent detailed graphics. 5. Exceptional weather system. Download :- Download it by clicking on the button below. System Requirements :-...

Fast and Furious 7

Fast and Furious 7 is an upcoming action thriller movie following the same storyline of Fast and Furious past versions. RELEASE DATE: April 3, 2015 STUDIO: Universal Pictures DIRECTOR: James Wan SCREENWRITER: Chris Morgan STARRING: Paul Walker, Jason Statham, Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Vin Diesel, Djimon Hounsou, Kurt Russell, Tony Jaa, Dwayne Johnson, Nathalie Emmanuel, John Brotherton, Iggy Azaela. GENRE: Action + Adventure Cast: Vin Diesel          Dominic Toretto Paul Walker         Brian O'Conner Michelle Rodriguez  Letty Tyrese Gibson       Roman Pearce  Jordana Brewster    Mia Toretto Ludacris            Tej Parker Screenwriter Chris Morgan has altered the script, but it remains unclear how Paul Walker's death will be addressed.  But it is clear that it will be the m...

Sony PlayStation 4

Hey guys today we will discuss about PS4 the best video game console,  offering the most advanced features, an excellent variety of games and some interesting new tech. In this posts all details about PS4 are discussed. As the new generation of gaming consoles work to establish a foothold in your home, each manufacturer is constantly updating its consoles with new system updates, apps and ā€“ most importantly ā€“ games. The Sony PlayStation 4 is the best video game console, offering the most advanced features, an excellent variety of games and some interesting new tech. The PS4 offers markedly better graphics and games than the previous-generation consoles and appeals to both gamers and media lovers. Although it is a capable media hub, the PS4 primarily focuses on high-quality video games, providing smoother, more immersive gameplay than any other console. The system comes with a 500GB hard drive, and if you need more storage space, Sony offers simple instructions for in...

Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2.

Modern warfare 2  is an action shooting game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. It is based on full time War. It was released in November 2009 and within 24 hours of release, the game sold approxx. 4.7 million copies in North America and UK. The health of the player in the game is shown by the amount of the blood on the screen. The amount of blood decreses with increase in health asa the time passes. As you enter the game, three options are provided in the main menu : Special Ops, Campaign and Multiplayer. In special Ops , you play the game Independently. You have been given some objective and you have to complete it under some time or no time limit is given. In campaign , you have to follow someone or you complete your mission along with your unit. In a mission, an option is also given to skip it because it shows the killing of civilians. There is no effect on your game completion if you skip this mission. In Multiplayer, you can co...

Google changes its logo in India on occasion of Republic day.

Do you know google has changed its logo in India for today (On 26 January) on occasion of India's Republic Day. If you have not seen it see it before 12 today by clicking here or by visiting . It looks like this : Thanx for reading this post. Keep visiting our page for more.

How to Invite all your friends to like your page in ONE CLICK on Facebook.

If you have a fan page on Facebook , then you want huge likes on your fan page. So the solution is , Invite your friends to like your fan page. But inviting all your friends one by one is too difficult task if you have a long friend list. Right? Here is the solution. Now you can invite all your friends to like your fan page in just one click. To invite all your friends to like your fan page in ONE CLICK  just follow these steps : 1.  Log In with your account on  Facebook  . 2.  Open your page on which you want to invite your friends . 3.  You must   open the page as yourself . 4.  Click on " Build Audience " and "Invite friends" in the upper right corner. 5.  Now , press F12 and click on Console. 6.  Now, paste the following code in the console option :    var inputs =document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton _1sm'); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].click(); }   7. ...

Make a password protected folder without any software.

To make a password protected folder you just need to follow these simple steps :  Copy this given code in a notepad and save it as a .bat extension . Now you will see a folder after clicking on this file (which is your private folder). Copy all your data in that folder and lock that folder by opening this .bat extension file. cls @ECHO OFF title Hackersfall if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder :CONFIRM echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" echo Folder locked goto End :UNLOCK echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder set/p "pass=>...